Optus Stadium Feature Lighting
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Optus Stadium Feature Lighting
Optus Stadium is a State Government owned asset. The operations for Optus Stadium have been outsourced to Stadium Operator, VenuesLive, which is an agent of VenuesWest.
Optus Stadium has been designed with a technological focus, and as such, significant infrastructure is available to support lighting the Stadium including the halo fabric roof and façade surrounding the exterior of the Stadium.
Hirers of Optus Stadium have access to the exclusive use of the lighting system on their respective event days, see the Optus Stadium Event Calendar. The Event Calendar is subject to change.
There exists a limited opportunity to use the Stadium lights to promote causes whilst gaining positive media and brand recognition. To maintain the unique nature of the Stadium lights, the frequency of use outside of hirer event days will be limited to ensure this feature is not unduly diminished.
- Optus Stadium will accept requests to use the lighting system from charitable
and not-for-profit organisations who are promoting a significant event or
appeal that:
- is recognised within the State of Western Australia; and/or
- has national or international significance, as determined by Optus Stadium and/or the State Government.
- with a charity activation in Perth on the requested date.
- has a well-recognised connection with a requested colour.
- Interested charities must submit their interest to use the Optus Stadium lighting system by 1 November of each year for the forthcoming year via the application form.
- Optus Stadium will accommodate charitable/not-for-profit lighting requests for up to 25 days per year.
- Requests will only be considered for one (1) night.
- The granting of lighting rights will be for one year only and successful causes may or may not be granted rights in following years.
- Rights will be granted to causes that allow for a reasonably even distribution across the 12 month period.
- Applications will not be considered for national days of other countries or from individuals for their own purposes unless they have a strong historical connection in Western Australia e.g. St Patrick’s Day.
- Commercial partners of Optus Stadium will also have the opportunity to make lighting requests.
- Any requests that Optus Stadium considers to be political, religious or of a sensitive nature will be determined by the State Government as advised by the State Representative of VenuesWest.
- Optus Stadium reserves the right to accept or reject applications at their absolute discretion.
- The Stadium will generally be lit with one colour in fixed mode.
- The coloured lighting will include the halo fabric roof and the façade surrounding the exterior of the Stadium.
- Approved lighting requests will be accommodated from darkness on the approved day.
- Applications for the 2025 feature lighting program are now closed. For any enquiries, please email [email protected].