Conditions Of Entry

The Stadium and Stadium Park are proudly managed and operated by VenuesLive Management Services (WA) Pty Ltd as agent for the Western Australian Sports Centre Trust, trading as VenuesWest (we, us, our).

For the comfort, safety and enjoyment of all patrons, staff and event parties, these Conditions of Entry apply to all patrons and visitors to the Stadium and Stadium Park.

We reserve the right to update, modify or change these Conditions of Entry from time to time. Any changes will be posted and available at


The conditions of entry may vary between events and should be read in conjunction with the event organiser’s conditions of entry and the ticketing agent’s conditions of ticket sale. Refer to the Stadium's event pages for further information.

For specific conditions of entry for the AFL, Cricket, NRL, Rugby Australia and Football Australia please refer to the following:

  • Patrons will be subject to a security check, which may include personal checks, wanding, searching of bags, other containers (regardless of size) and clothing, when entering the Stadium or an event.
  • Unless otherwise specified, children 12 years and under will not be admitted to an event without a parent, legal guardian or responsible adult.
  • Umbrellas may be brought into the Stadium but for the comfort of others should not be put up.
  • For safety reasons strollers and prams are not permitted in the Stadium during events. Strollers and prams may be cloaked.
  • Standing in the seated stands and other seated areas during events is permitted however, there is a higher risk of injury, to self and others, when standing in seated areas. If patrons wish to stand please be respectful of other patrons. If a patron’s behaviour is a safety risk to themselves or others, they will be asked to remain seated. Refusal may result in the patron being removed from the venue.
  • During concerts, if patrons wish to stand and dance in the seated areas please only do so for a short series of songs, unless the majority of the audience in the seated area are standing for the concert.

The following items may not be brought into the Stadium:

  • Illegal substances, including illegal drugs.
  • Laser pens and pointers.
  • Remote control vehicles, including drones (or any such aircraft).
  • Flares, fireworks, explosives, smoke bombs/cannisters, and other incendiary devices.
  • Guns, knives, weapons, and other dangerous or hazardous items.
  • Glassware or cans, including aerosol cans or metal containers of any kind.
  • Animals, other than certified service animals.
  • Folding chairs or stools.
  • Cameras and or recording devices for commercial purposes, including tripods.
  • Metal flag poles, extendable flag poles and flag poles capable of being used as a weapon.
  • Oversized banners and flags which may cause public nuisance.
  • Whistles, hooters, horns, and drums, or other musical instruments (i.e. vuvuzelas).
  • Balloons, confetti / shredded paper, coloured smoke/powders, and bubble machines.
  • Candles, lanterns and other open flames.
  • Scooters, roller skates, skateboards, segways, push bikes or other unauthorised means of transportation.
  • Commercial, promotional, or other unauthorised marketing materials, including clothing for sale or other means of distribution.
  • Other items as determined by us that may cause damage, injury or public nuisance.
  • Bag sizes are limited to 30cm x 40cm (including eskis);
  • Limited cloaking is available and may be unavailable for some events.
  • Patrons are only authorised to access the seats / areas of the Stadium as shown on ticket.
  • Pass outs may be issued on an event by event basis.
  • Tickets must not be used in any advertising, promotional or other commercial purposes (including competitions) without the prior written consent of the event promoter. If a ticket is sold or in breach of this condition the ticket holder may be denied admission to the event.
  • Subject to the WA Ticket Scalping Act 2021 (Act), that permits re-selling up to a certain threshold, tickets to events must not be resold at an increased price. If a ticket is purchased or suspected to have been purchased in breach of the Act the ticket holder may be denied admission to the event.
  • The Stadium is a licensed premise and we sell, serve and supply alcohol and alcoholic beverages in accordance with our liquor licence, the Liquor Control Act 1998 (WA), the regulations pursuant to that act, and the guidelines for the Responsible Serving of Alcohol.
  • Alcohol cannot be brought into or removed from the Stadium by patrons or visitors.
  • Patrons consuming alcohol in designated alcohol free zones within the Stadium will be removed from the Stadium.
  • It is an offence for minors (under 18) to purchase and consume alcohol. Minors purchasing or consuming alcohol will be removed and banned from the Stadium and reported to the Police.
  • It is an offence to purchase alcohol for, or supply alcohol to, minors. Persons supplying alcohol to minors will be removed and banned from the Stadium and reported to the Police.
  • Clothing, accessories, or clearly visible body markings of patches or insignia of Outlawed Motorcycle Gangs are not permitted within the Stadium.
  • Premium hospitality facilities, Bankwest Club, restaurants and dining areas at the Stadium will be subject to dress codes.
  • As a minimum for general admission areas, patrons must be appropriately clothed for a public place and must wear shoes. Patrons with bare feet will not be permitted entry.


  • Please respect other visitors’ quiet enjoyment of the Stadium Park.
  • All visitors must observe and comply with all safety, security and emergency procedures as directed by Stadium management, including procedures in the event of Total Fire Ban days or on days of Very High Fire Danger or above.
  • Children must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
  • The Stadium Park is within a no fly zone and the recreational use of drones is not permitted.
  • Signage (no larger than A3) and decorations are welcome however restrictions may apply for safety and environmental reasons.
    • Signage and decorations must be free standing and cannot be staked into the ground or attached to any infrastructure (e.g. fencing, pavilions).
    • Marking the ground or turf with any substance (e.g. flour, dyes) is not permitted.
  • Pop-up sun shelters / umbrellas may be used in the Stadium Park, but they must be secured (e.g weighted, not staked) for the safety and comfort of other visitors.
  • Picnics and self-catered activities are welcome. If visitors are using a professional/external caterer please refer to the Events & Activities section below.
  • The use of portable barbecues, pizza ovens, spit roasts and bain-maries are not permitted unless operated by a professional catering company.
  • All rubbish must be placed inside rubbish bins. Leaving rubbish next to rubbish bins is not permitted.
  • Areas of the Stadium Park are accessible to visitors throughout the year, provided the Stadium Park is not required for an event or other activity.
  • Event / activity organisers wishing to host an event / activity at the Stadium Park are required to complete a Stadium Park Activity Application Form (<200 attendees / participants) or Stadium Park Event Application Form (>200 attendees / participants).  Please contact [email protected] if you require a copy of a form.
  • All events /activities will be considered on a case by case basis, including:
    • Use of professional / external caterers.
    • Live music.
    • Giant games, organised ball games, laser games and other sporting activities.
    • Inflatable games / bouncy castles, bucking bulls, animal farms, bubble machines, face painting.
    • Memorial services. The scattering or burial of ashes is not permitted under any circumstances.
    • Filming / photography (including the use of drones for commercial purposes).
    • Subject to the availability of areas of the Stadium Park, we will provide the event / activity organiser with a Booking Confirmation or Licence to Access to secure the use of the Stadium Park for their event / activity.
    • Event / activity organisers who have received a Booking Confirmation or License to Access have priority access to and use of areas of the Stadium Park for their event / activity.
    • These Conditions of Entry are to be read in conjunction with the Booking Confirmation or License to Access (as applicable). In the event of any conflict, the provisions of the Booking Confirmation or Licence to Access (as applicable) prevail.

The following items may not be brought into the Stadium:

  • Illegal substances, including illegal drugs.
  • Flares, fireworks, explosives, smoke bombs/cannisters, and other incendiary devices.
  • Guns, knives, weapons, and other dangerous or hazardous items.
  • Metal flag poles, extendable flag poles and flag poles capable of being used as a weapon.
  • Oversized banners and flags which may cause public nuisance.
  • Candles, lanterns and other open flames.
  • Balloons, confetti / shredded paper, coloured smoke/powders, and bubble machines.
  • Commercial, promotional, or other unauthorised marketing materials, including clothing for sale or other means of distribution.
  • Other items as determined by us that may cause damage, injury or public nuisance.
  • Personal Mobility Vehicles (including electric / battery operated vehicles) are permitted within the Stadium Park along shared use pedestrian / cycle paths (10 km/h speed limit).
  • Personal Mobility Vehicles are not permitted on lawns, garden beds or in bushland.
  • Bike racks are available at various locations throughout the Stadium Park. Visitors are responsible for ensuring their bikes are securely locked.
  • Please do not feed the wildlife.
  • Dogs are permitted within the Stadium Park provided they are on a leash no longer than two metres. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of any playground area. Service dogs are excepted. No other animals are permitted in the Stadium Park.
  • Dog owners must clean up after their animal and have their own deposit bags as they are not provided in the Stadium Park.
  • Snake sightings should be reported to our staff as soon as possible.


  • Visitors may bring personal items (excluding Prohibited Items) to the Stadium or Stadium Park, but do so at their own risk. We will not be responsible for damage, loss or theft of personal property.
  • Attending public places involves risks including exposure to illnesses / communicable diseases, collisions (with objects or other persons), failing or tripping, adverse weather, or acts committed by other visitors. Visitors to the Stadium and the Stadium Park do so at their own risk.
  • Visitors must observe and comply with all safety, security and emergency procedures at the Stadium and Stadium Park as directed by our staff.
  • We adhere to all government public health safety measures that apply to the Stadium and Stadium Park, which may change from time to time.
  • The Stadium Park is a public space and the consumption of alcohol is prohibited unless a permit has been obtained by us, or a party approved be us.
  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) and vaping is not permitted while inside the Stadium, and is not permitted within 10 meters of playground areas and/or barbeque facilities within the Stadium Park.
  • Intoxicated, drug affected, disorderly, abusive, or persons engaging in anti-social behaviour (including wearing or displaying offensive materials), will be removed from the Stadium and Stadium Park.
  • Visitors must not attempt to conceal their identity while inside the Stadium or at the Stadium Park. We will respect cultural differences and medical conditions.
  • Unauthorised soliciting and customer surveying is not permitted at the Stadium and Stadium Park.

We reserve the right to refuse entry to, remove, and/or ban anyone from the Stadium and/or Stadium Park who:

  • is intoxicated, drug affected, disorderly, abusive, or engaging in anti-social behaviour (i.e. using racial, homophobic or other discriminatory language);
  • is carrying Prohibited Items;
  • does not hold a valid ticket to an event (ie. sourced via an unauthorised promotion; appears to have been forged/copied);
  • carries out any unauthorised promotional or commercial activities;
  • refuses to comply with directions or requests of our staff (i.e. health and safety directions; security checks of patrons and their personal belongings);
  • gains unauthorised access to the Stadium or any restricted areas (i.e. the pitch/field; player/artist facilities);
  • smokes (including e-cigarettes) or vapes within the Stadium, other than in designated external smoking / vaping areas;
  • throws objects within the Stadium; or
  • has an existing banning notice issued against them by the Stadium, any other stadium or entertainment precinct in Australia, or any state, national or international sports governing body.
  • Closed circuit television cameras are in use throughout the Stadium and Stadium Park at all times:
    • for the security, public health and safety of all persons at the Stadium and Stadium Park; and
    • for the prevention and detection of crime and fraud.
      For further information on how we use CCTV recordings / footage please refer to the Optus Stadium Privacy Policy.
  • By entering the Stadium and visiting the Stadium Park all patrons and visitors acknowledge and consent to, in accordance with applicable privacy laws, our providing third parties (including law enforcement agencies; security contractors; regulatory authorities) with their name, address, date of birth, voice, image, and/or photograph:
    • for the security, public health and safety of all persons at the Stadium and Stadium Park;
    • for the prevention and detection of crime and fraud; and/or
    • if they have breached any of these Conditions of Entry and/or been evicted/removed from the Stadium or Stadium Park.
  • On event days (e.g sporting events, concerts) parking is not available at the Stadium or Stadium Park, unless a parking permit has been issued by us.
  • On non-event days parking at the Stadium is restricted to persons holding a parking permit issued by us, and is otherwise is free at the Stadium Park. Parking at the Stadium Park is very limited and we are unable to reserve parking bays on non-event days.
  • Vehicles are not permitted to drive or park on paths, over curbs, on lawn or in bushland.
  • Vehicles must be correctly parked at all times within available parking bays.
  • Vehicles must not stop / park in No Parking or No Stopping zones.

December 2024