Thursday 24 May 2018
Trains to service Perth Stadium Station all day on weekends
- McGowan Government to provide more access to the Optus Stadium precinct and Belmont Park racecourse
- Trains to stop at Perth Stadium Station all day on weekends from June 30, including non-event days
- Trains will also begin stopping there during the Saturday winter racing carnival at Belmont Park from this Saturday, May 26
- Initiative expected to boost visitation and tourism around stadium precinct
All weekend train services on the Armadale Line will start stopping at Perth Stadium Station from June 30, 2018.
The changes will allow people wishing to visit attractions within the stadium precinct during non-game times – such as the nature playground, barbecue facilities and the Swan River – the opportunity to do so using public transport.
Allowing weekend services is the start of a longer term process to allow trains to stop at Perth Stadium Station on weekdays.
The weekend boost in services will improve access to Belmont Park racecourse, whose winter racing carnival begins this Saturday (May 26) and will be supported by special train services.
Belmont Park had a special event station up until 2013 when it was closed to make way for the new Perth Stadium Station.
Trains will begin stopping at Perth Stadium Station during Saturday racing at Belmont Park starting this weekend, May 26. Armadale Line trains will start stopping between 10am and 6pm, well in advance of the first race (12.14pm) and with plenty of time for event-goers to leave after the last race (4.35pm).
From June 30, services on the Armadale Line will stop at the station from the first train (about 5.15am Saturdays and 6.30am Sundays) until the last train each day (including the 2.15am and 3.15am ex-Perth late night trains).
The Armadale Line generally operates a 15 minute frequency on Saturdays and Sundays. Thornlie Line services will not stop at Perth Stadium Station – passengers will need to change to an Armadale service.
The Public Transport Authority has been able to implement the new weekend timetable with minimal impact on scheduling, however, this is not the case for weekdays and further investigation is required before the State Government considers further changes.
Passengers should allow plenty of extra time and plan their journey on the Transperth website.
Comments attributed to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:
“From June 30, trains on the Armadale Line will begin stopping at Perth Stadium Station, to give Western Australians the opportunity to visit the Optus Stadium precinct on non-event days.
“This means families and visitors can enjoy the facilities on offer, including the nature playgrounds in the Chevron Parkland, the BHP Boardwalk and Amphitheatre, as well as picnic and barbecue areas and public art.
“Opening up the station to use all day at weekends also makes it easier for the hundreds of Optus Stadium staff who work on the peninsula.
“In the shorter term, Armadale Line trains will begin stopping at the station during the winter Saturday racing calendar from this Saturday, May 26, from 10am to 6pm to suit race patrons.
“These changes to serve Perth Stadium Station on weekends will be closely monitored in terms of patronage and any impact they may have on the existing timetable for Armadale Line passengers.
“Generally speaking, there has been a requirement to open the station and stop trains there on either a Saturday or a Sunday since the start of the football season. Starting all day weekend services on the Armadale Line is a low-cost way of opening up this precinct for everybody to enjoy.”