Wednesday 2 March 2016
Work progressing on Swan River pedestrian bridge
The first of two construction causeways for the Swan River pedestrian bridge will be completed this week from the Burswood Peninsula.
- Two temporary causeways being constructed for pedestrian bridge
- Both will be removed once bridge is completed.
Transport Minister Dean Nalder said the temporary causeways, to be located on each side of the Swan River, would provide safe and stable construction platforms from which the new bridge would be assembled and erected in the coming months.
“This is a remarkable project for Perth so it’s exciting to see this progress,” Mr Nalder said.
“Work will start on the second causeway next week from the East Perth side and should be completed in early April.”
Later this week, the Burswood Peninsula causeway will be used for the first time as a delivery platform for 16 piles arriving by barge from Fremantle. Both causeways will be removed toward the end of the bridge’s construction.
The Minister said that as work progressed, construction traffic movements in East Perth were being planned and managed carefully to minimise impacts to residents and river users, as well as the WACA, Gloucester Park and Trinity College.
Mr Nalder said given the construction area was very small, both truck and barges would be used to deliver supplies to the construction sites on the East Perth and Burswood Peninsula foreshores.
The community will be able to use the new pedestrian bridge when it opens in early 2017.
“Once Perth Stadium opens in early 2018, the Swan River pedestrian bridge will move more than 14,000 people on major event days and will be accessible for year-round use by pedestrians and cyclists on non-event days,” the Minister said.
Perth Stadium remains on schedule and is currently 35 per cent complete. The construction workforce will peak at more than 1,000 in mid-2016 and Perth Stadium will be open for the start of the 2018 AFL season.
Fact file
- The causeways are 130m x 50m and will leave a 60m centre navigational channel for river traffic during construction
- The pedestrian bridge will include two piers in the water, two piers on the shore line, three bridge spans (two 65m and a central span of 160m) and two bridge ramps